Sam Crowley thought he was following the “American Dream.”
An ex-stuttering college dropout, Sam worked his way up to a corner office at a Fortune 100 company.
With a six-figure salary and all the perks, he was supposed to be content… but he was secretly MISERABLE.
Sam arrived home late every night, giving his best at work while his family got leftovers.
Like so many people in the corporate world, his American Dream had turned into a nightmare!
One night, Sam’s daughter Madeline uttered 4 innocent words that stopped him in his tracks and changed the course of his family’s life forever…
Arriving home late (again), Sam went upstairs to find his 3 year-old daughter already in bed.
She asked him, “Daddy, is tomorrow Saturday?”
Saturday was the only day Sam had time to spend with his family- the only day he could be a real father.
** Every Day Is Saturday Is Born **
That night, Sam decided that someday soon, every day would be Saturday.
He realized that his ultimate goal was to be a great father for his children.
Sam managed to quit his job and start his own business that allows hi the “Ultimate Saturday Lifestyle” as an international motivational speaker and business coach.
In short order, Sam was able to…
– Go from speaking for free to getting paid $25,000 per keynote address
– Quit his job and spend more time with his 3 young daughters
– Start a motivational podcast that is now downloaded by 30,000 loyal subscribers in over 100 countries around the world
– And much, much more all based on nothing but the power of his dream!
And it’s not just Sam who is making a massive transition- just look at what his students have accomplished:
– Dustin Salisbury, a 24 year-old senior airman in the US Air Force, used Sam’s message to conquer fear and adversity while deployed in Iraq
– Brian McElroy produced his first documentary film and helped raise over $100,000 for charity with Sam’s guidance
– Dino Herbert was motivated by Sam to take action and truly live the life he wanted as a speaker, trainer, and author
** Six Days To Saturday **
While Sam was going through his own transition, and then started helping others reach their Saturday, he documented each step of the process.
He knew it would become an invaluable blueprint for anyone with a dream to make their own Saturday a reality.
The result is “Six Days To Saturday,” the first-ever audio series dedicated to helping you go from Monday to Saturday!
In six digitally mastered audio CDs (and an accompanying workbook), Sam takes you through each step of the process:
Monday – Feel The Pain And Write Your Future
Tuesday – Preparing For Success
Wednesday – The Time For Action!
Thursday – Failure Is A Verb, Not A Noun
Friday – Commitment & Persistence
Saturday – You Are A Champion!
No matter what your Saturday may be, Sam’s message is POWERFUL.
If you want to spend more time with family, make a bigger contribution to others, and bring your life to a whole new level, then Sam’s message is for you.
You can learn more about “Six Days To Saturday” and request a free copy of Sam’s powerful report “Seize Your Saturday Power!”
Go there now and make EVERY day Saturday!