business consulting
Mark Yates asked:

As the business consultant at “Business Consultancy One Stop Shop” frequently asked about Government Big Brother intrusion into our business lives. Those advocating even closer scrutiny and increased surveillance always cite the same reason, i.e. “if you are doing nothing wrong, then you have nothing to fear from increased government intrusion.” Ask any security or business consultant and they will tell you this argument is like a house built from playing cards. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of people who have been illegally incarcerated in various forms of miscarriage of justice cases.

Dr. Mark D. Yates from the business consultancy group states; Whenever the Government tries to assert its dominance over areas of business beyond their control bad things happen. The fact that many of these sensational projects are actively promoted by self serving politicians who seek nothing other than personal kudos and press coverage.

If we were to look for a perfect example of how a government can ***** up a business sector then one only has to look at the appalling failures in our National Health service. And if we explore government interference a tad further then the entire fiasco surrounding the proposed government introduction of Identify cards for all British residents.

Business Consultancy agencies are advised by Dr. Mark D. Yates that now that businesses are embracing the internet for gaining new business, and for implementing online sales and marketing strategies, the government has expressed an interest in the increasingly popular social networking web sites Facebook and Myspace. Their aim is Facebook monitoring and if successful it will have a detrimental effect on every business consultant and every Business Consultancy agency using social networking web sites.

Dr. Mark D. Yates from Business Consultancy One Stop Shop states. The British public were first alerted to this proposed intrusion when Home Office Minister Vernon Coaker announced earlier this month that the Government was considering acting on social networking sites because they were not covered by the latest proposals from Brussels. He added that the Government’s intercept modernisation programme proposals may be extended to include “the retention of data on Facebook, Bebo, MySpace and all other similar sites”. In plain English this translates to Facebook monitoring.

While acknowledging concerns surrounding rights to privacy Dr. Mark D. Yates feels it is only a matter of time before all online social networking web sites are forced under fear of prosecution to retain details of the individuals and businesses utilising these web sites. They are also likely to have to retain all date about visitors who correspond with these social networking web sites.

Dr. Mark Yates from Business Consultancy One Stop Shop further suggests this latest intrusion of Facebook monitoring fits right in with another government plan to store information about every telephone call, e-mail and internet visit made by anyone in the UK on a central database.

I fully understand the ramifications of collating advance intelligence in regard to combating threats from terrorists and organised crime gangs however it’s a fine line between this and retaining the rights to privacy which should by default follow on from a nation which prides itself on a freedom of speech policy.

As a business consultant for Business Consultancy One Stop Shop I admit to having concerns about the governments plans for Facebook monitoring.

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