This is a great post I found. I use this service myself. You should too. Pinterest is growing wildly.
Why You Should Use Pinterest
So, ok, I have never been an early adopter when it comes to this whole social media stuff. It took me ages to get on Facebook, my LinkedIn profile is still not filled out and I haven’t got the hang out of G+ yet. So what do I do on Pinterest? And what the heck is Pinterest actually? Basically Pinterest is a site that lets you bookmark websites in a visually appealing way
by pinning what interests you to one or more boards you have created. Plus it offers the usual network possibility of friends, following etc. The last one comes with a twist, you can either follow all of the boards a person has created or only a selection. This is great if you come across a weirdo like me that has boards about dogs, Harry Potter and internet marketing
Pins can be ‘liked’, ‘commented on’ and, most importantly re-pinned. The later means that if you have a great pin it can easily go viral and be re-pinned by people over and over again.
Read more of this post If that all doesn’t sound very special to you, believe me, there are some really cool ways to use Pinterest, here a short list of how I have used it so far:
Keeping track of useful resources with Pinterest
That one is a biggy for me, as I am a very visual person. If you have a look at my board ‘Beautiful Free WordPress Themes’ you see what I mean …With Pinterest I can create a board for each group of resources I want to collect and pin whatever I find online to the respective board. In the long run I hope to replace my messed up bookmarks with Pinterest books.Planning something
Getting married? Having a big party? Baby shower coming up? Pinterest can help to organize things visually and to get track of great ideas / inspirations you found online.Wishlist
Does your significant other knows what you want for your birthday or Christmas or simply because s/he thinks you deserve a gift? You can create a Wishlist Board on Pinterest and point him / her to it for ideas … This way chances are better that you get what you want.Affiliate Links
Actually, I am not holding my breath on that one, but as I have a board (and more to come!) about books I have read I decided it couldn’t do any harm if I use my Amazon link for thatSo far it works well.
Do-Follow Links
Again, I am not holding my breath, but Pinterest links are dofollow links. Now don’t go wild and ‘pin’ all of your sites, I don’t think that a) they carry much ‘juice’ and b) if Pinterest gets overwhelmed by spammers it only takes a few lines of code and all outgoing links will be nofollow overnight. Happened to Twitter, is bound to happen to Pinterest also sooner or later.Get real visitors to your site
People do click through from Pinterest to the source site, so if you have a site that has a visual appeal, caters to the right audience you should showcase it on Pinterest. Just be careful not to overdo it, only post your best work, less is more