We all have to start with a reason for why we do things. The driving force, the motivation. I am committed to helping my small business clients achieve better exposure on the internet by creating a diversified portfolio of assets online in places where consumers are looking for your business. The reason I want to work to help you starts from there.
But the core reason I want to become successful with Internet Marketing and Local Marketing Consulting is to get out of the kind of work that hurts me, physically hurts me. I have earned some lower back issues from years of carrying heavy gear in the TV news biz. Travelling around the west covering the news with lots of heavy cases took a tool on me and I continue to have to deal with those issues today. I have always wished I could establish an IM business that would create opportunity to move where I want, go where I want, and have fun with those I love.
So my reason for doing all this stems from a great desire to share the knowledge i have gained over the years building websites, mentoring others as they build theirs, learning from quality mentors, and seeing others do a great job sharing their expertise. This appeals to me as during my TV news career I really liked teaching what I knew about video production whether that was in a classroom of high school kids or to one of the interns we had in our office every semester.
A sidebar story here: Back in my days as a cameraman in SF for CNN I got the idea to build a website for our office so folks in our region could find out more about us and know how to get hold of us for news. Once I started work on it I was able to put together a partnership with a non profit literacy project so that we could feature our content more widely and help the literacy cause. We took our CNN SF stories and turned them into online educational tutoring lessons for literacy students around the world. This [project got lots of traction and resulted in literacy programs around the world using the lessons. The amount of traffic was astounding considering this was 1995. The stone age of the internet when you look at it. This collaboration helped build my mindset about teaching, helping, and contributing that is still with me today. This site was built before CNN.com went live those many years ago.
By teaching what I know I can help local businesses and website owners develop their online assets so that they can actually get their business in front of the consumers who are looking for their products or services. I share what I know and give guidance to local business owners to do it themselves but of course most local business owners are super busy running their business and need help. I step in there and provide just what you need to accomplish your goals. No selling you an all around package filled with things you don’t need. We dial in and work with business owners to create what works right now for getting more clients.