One of the things you want to do when you start to build and create a reputation for your business online is to keep track of what you are doing and how deep you are making inroads to establish your brand and company identification. Now this can be an overwhelming task for the small business owner who may not even understand all the various ways that reputation is built online.
There are some expensive tools out there that can create some very impressive reports that can be delivered to clients or done internally by a company to check and see how the company ranks, where the buzz is on the net about the brand or company and so on., But these tools may be overkill for most and too expensive for others.
So how does a free method sound to you? I found a step by step walk through of how you can build a reputation monitoring dashboard for your business and it is not hard to do. This tool will give you what you need to track the pulse of your online marketing efforts with only the investment of time. Works for me.
How to Build a Reputation Monitoring Dashboard ยป aimClear Search Marketing Blog