Video on the web is hot these days. we have been saying that over and over again to our clients. I tell it to every business person I talk to nowadays. Why? Because it is well accepted, easy to do, powerful for your message, and there are new tools coming out everyday to make it easier and more powerful to your audience.
My list of reasons why you must use video marketing for your business web site today:
- It is free to distribute and share your video to a ton of web sites where you can expand the reach of your message.
- Simple to do, really it is. You need to work on a simple message and get it out and then rinse and repeat.
- Video engages viewers more than anything you can put on your site. All those graphics and images you fussed over forever pale compared to a simple video for visitors to watch and engage with on your site.
- The number of tools available to create simple and effective videos is huge.
- There are ton of web sites that are begging for your video to be shared on their sites and every time you do it builds your authority in the eyes of the search engines.
- You can do something as simple as an animated slide show with text graphics if you don’t want to be on camera.
- You can do screen capture video demonstrating your products with nothing more than a voice over or music bed for sound.
- Of course you can get fancy and do a full on production with actors and so on. It just depends on your budget.
I am a Bay Area video marketing consultant with over 30 years of video experience in network TV. I can help your business create videos ( needs to be done on a regular basis for full killer impact) that work for your business, distribute them across the web for maximum impact, and then promote those videos so they get even bigger ranking which translates into visitors to your business.
Drop me a line below and let me show you how we can build a powerful video marketing campaign for your business and for a really great price as well.